Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month!

In the past years, Down syndrome is becoming better understood as the community strengthens and strives to educate others. Unlike in the seventies where those diagnosed with DS were commonly institutionalized, there is now a realization that with the proper therapies and care people with Down syndrome can lead fulfilling, productive, and “normal” lives.

There is still a long way to go, however, when you consider that 9 out of 10 babies diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome are aborted. I firmly believe that this statistic is largely due to a lack of understanding and knowledge. I discuss some of my personal thoughts on this matter in my post, A Choice.

They bottom line is though, despite all the possible health problems and developmental delays a child with Down syndrome may have, they will overcome more than you can ever imagine. They will amaze you every day and bring more joy and love than you ever thought possible. I believe this, and my baby girl still has 20 weeks left in my belly.


So, in honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month check out your local Buddy Walk, an advocacy event to promote the inclusion and acceptance of people with Down syndrome.

Also, check out this "Wall of Awesome" at Noah's Dad.com, which is a post where parents can share their wonderful stories about raising children with Down syndrome.


  1. I really like this page and was wanting to contact someone to use a loge on my site sandoegodownsyndrome.org. Can someone email me at jleslie@sandiegodownsyndrome.org ?

  2. IS the butterfly ribbon copyrighted? amykps91@gmail.com
